Bulletproof Masala Choco Chai

Bulletproof Masala Choco Chai

I love to explore and experiment with everything in life, both inside and outside of my kitchen, and as amazing as our blends are on their own, I am continually amazed by the endless possibilities to adapt and enhance each one in exciting new directions.

One of my latest explorations has led me to today's wonderful creation. This sumptuous, silky and spice-laden delight makes use of our Masala Chai Express as a base and is unbelievably luxurious in both taste and texture. While some of the ingredients may seem unorthodox to some (butter? in tea? I hear you cry) trust me on this one, the level of luxury it provides is worth stepping outside your usual expectations for and alongside a correctly balanced way of eating, 'Bulletproof' style tea or coffee can actually provide many benefits to both health and performance too.

Bulletproof Masala Choco Chai

  • 2 Cups of Masala Chai Express
  • 2 Tbsp Raw Cacao Powder (or sweetened cocoa if you prefer)
  • 1/2 Tbsp Butter
  • 1/2 Tbsp Coconut Oil
  • 4 Tbsp Coconut Milk

This recipe makes enough for 2 servings so you can share it with a friend (...or save the second serving for yourself). First, brew up a couple of cups worth of Masala Chai Express, infuse 6g of the loose tea for 5 minutes in around 500-600ml of fresh water just off the boil. While the tea is brewing, put all of the other ingredients into your blender jug. Once the tea is fully infused, add it to the other ingredients, blend together and you're ready to serve.

If you like things a little sweeter, a little drizzle of locally-sourced, organic honey would top this off beautifully too!

We'd love to know what you think of this recipe, or if you have any ideas of your own, so reach out and let us know on our Facebook Page, on Instagram @mdteashop or Twitter @mdteashop or, you could just drop us a message in the comments below.

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